Figure 3.
(A) Effect of the total OMC (150 µg/mL) and protein OMC (150 µg/mL) from WT, Δppk1, and Δppk2 on C. jejuni invasion of INT-407 cells. (B) Effect of the protein (150 µg/mL), lipid (75 µg/mL), and lipoglycan (50 µg/mL) OMC fractions from WT, Δppk1, and Δppk2 on C. jejuni survival within INT-407 cells. The total OMC was also tested with each fraction as a control using the same concentration that was used for each fraction. Results are presented as the mean ± SEM of the number of bacteria recovered after cell lysis. Each value is the mean of at least two separate experiments performed in triplicate on different days. Asterisks (*) indicate the significant difference compared to the unexposed infected INT-407 cells (one way ANOVA, ***P < 0. 001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05).