NRG4 is present in human milk and ErbB4 is present in human NEC intestine. A: Western blot (WB) analysis of the whey fractions of milk from anonymous donors for NRG4, with or without blocking peptide. B–H: Paraffin-embedded intestinal sections (B–G) and intestinal resection homogenates (H) from human neonates with active disease, a history (Hx) of NEC with ongoing complications, or a Hx of NEC were immunostained and immunoblotted for ErbB4. Lane 1: Ex 36 weeks' infant, 2 weeks old, active NEC; Lane 2: Ex 31 weeks' infant, 3 months old, first operation for NEC induced stricture (not active); Lane 3: Ex 27 weeks' infant, 7 months old, Hx of NEC, ostomy takedown (26 weeks after NEC); Lane 4: Ex 30 weeks' infant, 1 month old, active NEC; Lane 5: Ex 31 weeks' infant, 2 months old, first operation for a NEC stricture (not active); Lane 6: Ex 32 weeks' infant, 1 year old, Hx of NEC, ostomy takedown (12 weeks after NEC). Ex, example; Rel. exp., relative expression.