Cell viability of C4-2B cells after siRNA knockdown of ASNS. MTT cell growth assays were performed after different incubation time periods, as indicated. The plots for the no treatment (A) and 500 U/mL of l-asparaginase-treated (B) groups represent data from a mean absorbance of 590 nm from six wells for each time point. The error bars represent the SDs (n = 6). si-control, control siRNA. C: Western blot analysis to evaluate the performance of si-ASNS in C4-2B cells. Whole cell lysates from C4-2B cells were collected at different time points, as indicated. Protein (30 μg) from each sample was used and blotted with ASNS antibody. The blot was reprobed with β-actin as the loading control. A, si-ASNS; C, control siRNA.