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. 2015 Jul 11;29:233.

Table 3 . Association between different scleroderma patterns and clinical or laboratory features .

Features Scleroderma pattern
Early pattern n (%) Active pattern n (%) Late pattern n (%) Non-specific pattern n (%) p
Symptoms and
signs, %
Fever 1(16.7%) 3(50%) 1(16.7%) 1(16.7%) 0.20
Heliotrope rash 0 6(50%) 4(33.3%) 2(16.7%) 1
Gottron papules 1(4.3%) 8(34.8%) 11(47.8%) 3(13%) 1
Gottron's sign 0 8(42.1%) 10(52.6%) 1(5.3%) 0.56
V sign 1(4.3%) 2(28.6%) 3(42.9%) 1(14.3%) 0.76
Shawl sign 0 2(66.7%) 1(33.3%) 0 0.41
Preorbital edema 1(16.7%) 2(33.3%) 2(33.3%) 1(16.7%) 0.53
Calcification 0 5(50%) 4(40%) 1(10%) 0.60
Mechanic hand 1(8.3%) 4(33.3%) 6(50%) 1(8.3%) 0.60
Facial erythema 1(16.7%) 7(46.7%) 6(40%) 1(6.7%) 0.06
Arthritis 1(25%) 1(25%) 1(25%) 1(25%) 0.71
Polyarthralgia 1(16.7%) 7(46.7%) 6(40%) 1(6.7%) 0.06
ILD* 0 3(33.3%) 4(44.4%) 2(22.2%) 0.41
Dysphasia 0 3(37.5%) 4(50%) 1(12.5%) 1
Muscle weakness 0 9(45%) 9(45%) 2(10%) 0.56
Laboratory findings, %
CK† 25% 17.9% 7.1% 50% 0.29
ESR‡ 1(5.5%) 8(44.5%) 7(38.9%) 2(11.1%) 0.16
CRP§ 0 2(40%) 2(40%) 1(20%) 1
ANA|| 1(7.7%) 5(38.5%) 7(53.8%) 0 0.11
Anti RO antibody 0 0 4(100%) 0 0.46
Anti JO1 antibody 0 2(50%) 2(50%) 0 0.71
Myopathic EMG¶ 1(5.3%) 9(47.3%) 8(42.1%) 1(5.3%) 0.015

*ILD: Interstitial lung disease, †CK: creatine kinase, ‡ESR: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate. A level of >12 in male and >18 in female was considered abnormal [52]. §CRP: C-Reactive Protein. A level of >5 mg/L was considered as abnormal.

||ANA: Antinuclear antibody, ¶EMG: electromyography