Figure 2. The fit of models of body size evolution to the phylogeny of Captorhinidae.
Boxplots showing the distribution of 100 Akaike weight values calculated for each model representing the fit of each model of body size evolution to the 100 time calibrated phylogenies. (A) Category 1 models (Evolution of body size alone). (B) Category 2 models (coevolution of body size with herbivory. (C) Category 3 models (evolution of body size with shifts in rate or mode at specified points in time). (D) Comparison of the best fitting models from each of the three categories. The abbreviation Gzh, Sak, Kun and Roa represent the time at which the shift in rate/mode occurred in the RS and EC models. Gzh: end of the Gzhelian; Sak: end of the Sakmarian; Kung: beginning of the Kungurian; Road: beginning of the Roadian. Other abbreviations as in the main text.