Fig 3.
IgE can contribute to acquired resistance to RVV. A Outline of experiments with IgE-deficient (Igh-7−/−) and control (Igh-7+/+) C57BL/6 mice (B-E). B,C, Serum RVV-specific IgG1 (B) and total IgE (C). D,E, Body temperature (D) and survival (E). F, Outline of serum transfer experiments in C57BL/6 mice (G-J). G,H, Serum RVV-specific IgG1 (G) and total IgE (H). I,J, Body temperature (I) and survival (J). Data pooled from 3-4 experiments (n= 9-25/group). P values: Mann-Whitney test (B,C,G,H), Student's t test (D,I) and Mantel-Cox test (E,J).