Figure 2. Effect of leucine restriction on insulin tolerance (A) and glucose tolerance (B).
Insulin sensitivity was measured in 10 mice/group using ITTs 8 weeks after initiating diets (A). Mice were fasted for 4 h prior to ITT. Blood glucose concentrations were measured at baseline and every 15 minutes for an hour after a single i.p. injection of insulin (0.6 U/kg). Glucose tolerance was measured in 11 mice/group using GTTs 9 weeks after initiating diets (B). Mice were fasted for 14 h prior to GTT. Blood glucose concentrations were measured at baseline and at five time points over the course of two hours following a single i.p. injection of glucose (1 g/kg body weight). Means annotated with an asterisk at each time differ from controls at P<0.05. Area under the curves of ITTs and GTTs are presented as bar graph insets for the respective tests. Means ± SEM are presented in arbitrary units and annotation with asterisks denotes that means differ at P<0.05.