Non-IgM monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) |
All 3 criteria must be met:
Serum monoclonal protein (non-IgM type) <3gm/dL
Clonal bone marrow plasma cells <10%*
Absence of end-organ damage such as hypercalcemia, renal insufficiency, anemia, and bone lesions (CRAB) that can be attributed to the plasma cell proliferative disorder
Smoldering multiple myeloma |
Both criteria must be met:
Serum monoclonal protein (IgG or IgA) ≥3gm/dL, or urinary monoclonal protein ≥500 mg per 24h and/or clonal bone marrow plasma cells 10–60%
Absence of myeloma defining events or amyloidosis
Multiple Myeloma |
Both criteria must be met:
IgM Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (IgM MGUS) |
All 3 criteria must be met:
Serum IgM monoclonal protein <3gm/dL
Bone marrow lymphoplasmacytic infiltration <10%
No evidence of anemia, constitutional symptoms, hyperviscosity, lymphadenopathy, or hepatosplenomegaly that can be attributed to the underlying lymphoproliferative disorder.
Light Chain MGUS |
All criteria must be met:
Abnormal FLC ratio (<0.26 or >1.65)
Increased level of the appropriate involved light chain (increased kappa FLC in patients with ratio > 1.65 and increased lambda FLC in patients with ratio < 0.26)
No immunoglobulin heavy chain expression on immunofixation
Absence of end-organ damage that can be attributed to the plasma cell proliferative disorder
Clonal bone marrow plasma cells <10%
Urinary monoclonal protein <500 mg/24h
Solitary Plasmacytoma |
All 4 criteria must be met
Biopsy proven solitary lesion of bone or soft tissue with evidence of clonal plasma cells
Normal bone marrow with no evidence of clonal plasma cells
Normal skeletal survey and MRI (or CT) of spine and pelvis (except for the primary solitary lesion)
Absence of end-organ damage such as hypercalcemia, renal insufficiency, anemia, or bone lesions (CRAB) that can be attributed to a lympho-plasma cell proliferative disorder
Solitary Plasmacytoma with minimal marrow involvement**
All 4 criteria must be met
Biopsy proven solitary lesion of bone or soft tissue with evidence of clonal plasma cells
Clonal bone marrow plasma cells <10%
Normal skeletal survey and MRI (or CT) of spine and pelvis (except for the primary solitary lesion)
Absence of end-organ damage such as hypercalcemia, renal insufficiency, anemia, or bone lesions (CRAB) that can be attributed to a lympho-plasma cell proliferative disorder