Figure 7.
Knockdown of RNase X25 protects Drosophila from oxidative stress. (a) Cohorts of six female control (open bars, w1118) and RNase X25 fat body knockdown (filled bars, CG8194) flies were weighed. Body weight is reported as mean weight per fly+S.E. for n=3 independent crosses. (b–e) Flies of each genotype were fed 5% sucrose (−) or 5% sucrose with 15 mM paraquat (+) for 20 h. Total RNA was isolated from fat body-enriched tissue of eight flies, oligo dT primed for cDNA synthesis, and expression of RNase X25, moi, and tgs1 was determined by qRT-PCR relative to tubulin (b, graph shows mean+S.E. for n=3 independent crosses). Mean (+S.E.) survival at 20 h was quantified for 60 flies per genotype/condition in n=3 independent crosses (c). Extracts were prepared from fat body-enriched tissue pooled from eight flies. Carbonylated proteins were derivitized using DNPH or control solution, and analyzed by western blotting using α-DNP antibody. Representative blot is shown (d, left) and graph (d, right) quantifies results from four independent crosses. 7-keto cholesterol was quantified in fat body lipid extracts by LC-MS/MS and is reported normalized to protein concentration (e, mean+S.E. for n=3 crosses). *P<0.05 for comparisons indicated