Figure 8.
Enhanced wheat defense response in TaADF3-knockdown plants attacked by virulent Pst CYR31. The amount of H2O2 production was measured by calculating the DAB staining area at each infection site using the DP-BSW software (A,B). The area of autofluorescence was measured to determine the necrotic cell death (C). H2O2 produced in the guard cells (GC) and the attacked mesophyll cells (MC) was calculated. All results were obtained from 50 infection sites. (D) The expression profiles of three pathogenesis-related proteins were assessed in TaADF3-knockdown plants compared with the mock control plants. The data were normalized to the wheat TaEF-1α gene. Three independent biological replications were performed. Asterisks indicate a significant difference (P < 0.05) from BSMV:00 using Student's t-test.