Figure 4.
Significant and Strong Long-Range Interactions Occur Mostly within TADs
(A) Scaling plot showing the average read count versus genomic distance in Calu3 cells. Interactions from the whole dataset are green, interactions from the intra-TAD space are blue, and interactions from the inter-TAD space are red.
(B) Scaling plot showing only significant long-range interactions in the three different spaces in Calu3 cells. Coloring is the same as in (C). Scaling plots for all cell lines are shown in Figure S12.
(C) The number of significant interactions (across all cell types) is plotted for different genomic distances; only the intra-TAD and inter-TAD data are used. Significant long-range inter-TAD interactions between loci separated by less than 20 kb are not included because these represent regions around TAD boundaries that are particularly frequently involved in interactions (see Figure 6F). Inset: The total number of interrogated interactions for intra-TAD (blue) and inter-TAD (red) datasets is plotted versus genomic distance.