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. 2016 Jan 7;4(1):apps.1500092. doi: 10.3732/apps.1500092

Appendix 2.

Voucher information and GenBank accessions of the species in the Chaenanthera clade sequenced for the eight putative single-copy nuclear markers.

Species ADH At5g10780 PCRF1 SOS4 UFP UNC50 waxy ZBADH Voucher (Herbarium)a
Miconia caudigera DC. KT377070 KT377078 KT377086 KT377094 KT377102 KT377110 KT377118 KT377126 Lima, J. 729 (NY)
Miconia dorsaliporosa R. Goldenb. & Reginato KT377071 KT377079 KT377087 KT377095 KT377103 KT377111 KT377119 KT377127 Kollmann, L. 8572 (UPCB)
Miconia inaequidens (DC.) Naudin KT377072 KT377080 KT377088 KT377096 KT377104 KT377112 KT377120 KT377128 Goldenberg, R. 732 (NY, UPCB)
Miconia longicuspis Cogn. KT377073 KT377081 KT377089 KT377097 KT377105 KT377113 KT377121 KT377129 Kollmann, L. 8562 (UPCB)
Miconia paucidens DC. KT377074 KT377082 KT377090 KT377098 KT377106 KT377114 KT377122 KT377130 UPCB 59855
Miconia ramboi Brade KT377075 KT377083 KT377091 KT377099 KT377107 KT377115 KT377123 KT377131 Goldenberg, R. 793 (NY, UPCB)
Miconia staminea (Desr.) DC. KT377076 KT377084 KT377092 KT377100 KT377108 KT377116 KT377124 KT377132 Goldenberg, R. 784 (UPCB)
Miconia tristis Spring KT377077 KT377085 KT377093 KT377101 KT377109 KT377117 KT377125 KT377133 Goldenberg, R. 812 (NY, UPCB)

Vouchers are deposited at the herbaria of the New York Botanical Garden (NY), Bronx, New York, USA, and/or Universidade Federal do Paraná (UPCB), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.