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. 2004 Jan 15;10(2):273–278. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v10.i2.273

Table 4.

Utilization and costs of therapeutic procedures (treatment and surgery) related to gastroenterological diseases among cohorts (n = 183 976) in 2001

Item of therapeutic procedure No. of patients No. of orders Total cost
US $ % Cum.%
Nasal feeding 917 28 352 167 762 15.7% 15.7%
Repair of inguinal hernia 322 359 94 046 8.8% 24.5%
(without bowel resection)
Appendectomy 226 226 74 145 7.0% 31.5%
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 83 84 68 081 6.4% 37.9%
Hemorrhoidectomy, 198 199 59 994 5.6% 43.5%
internal & external
Trans-arterial embolization (T.A.E.) 65 96 57 634 5.4% 48.9%
Insertion of nasogastric tube 1 745 5 370 25 609 2.4% 51.3%
Heat probe during endoscopy 162 185 21 893 2.1% 53.4%
Cholecystectomy 58 58 18 485 1.7% 55.1%
Eendoscopic papillectomy 31 32 17 893 1.7% 56.8%
Colonoscopic polypectomy 153 157 17 140 1.6% 58.4%
Internal hemorrhoid ligation 216 356 16 795 1.6% 60.0%
Gastric decompression 900 3 712 16 473 1.5% 61.5%
Percutaneous transhepatic 38 54 15 735 1.5% 63.0%
cholangiography drainage (PTCD)
Choledocholithotomy with 28 28 15 282 1.4% 64.4%
T-tube drainage
Radical gastrectomy 14 14 15 061 1.4% 65.8%
Radical proctectomy 11 11 14 723 1.4% 67.2%
Radical hemicolectomy with 23 23 13 973 1.3% 68.5%
ascending colon anastomosis
Restorative proctectomy with 11 11 13 948 1.3% 69.8%
colo-anal anastomosis
Vagotomy and pyloroplasty 20 20 13 911 1.3% 71.1%
Others 307 915 28.9% 100.0%
Totala 8 349 60 245 1 066 497 100.0%

Numbers might not add to totals because of rounding.

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