Figure 7.
MDM4 functions in the cytoplasmic compartment. (a) WB analysis of indicated proteins in nuclear (NUC), cytoplasmic (CYTO) and whole-cell extracts (WCEs) of siMDM4-MCF10A or siCTL-MCF10A cells treated with 2 μm Adr for 5 h. Ratio of densitometric values of HIPK2 to Tubulin (in the cytoplasm) or to SP1 (in the nucleus) levels is shown at the bottom of the blot. HIPK2/TUB ratio from control lane was arbitrarily set to 1. (b) WB of indicated proteins in NUC and CYTO extracts of siMDM4-MCF10A or siCTL-MCF10A in the presence or absence of importinα3 interference (siKPNA4) and treated as in a. Ratio of densitometric values of HIPK2 to Tubulin levels is shown at the bottom of the blot. HIPK2/TUB ratio from control lane was arbitrarily set to 1.