Classification results in the dorsal attention network for prediction of voxel patterns associated with verbal WM load by voxel patterns associated with attentional load in the visual array WM task, and vice versa, as a function of verbal WM phase. Curves indicate mean between-task classification accuracy and SEM for the 6-versus-2 load classifier (red curve for prediction of verbal WM load by visual WM load; orange curve for prediction of visual WM load by verbal WM load) and for the 4-versus-2 load classifier (dark green curve for prediction of verbal WM load by visual WM load; light green curve for prediction of visual WM load by verbal WM load). Horizontal lines indicate classifications significantly higher than chance-level classification at the group level (t-tests with false-discovery rate correction for multiple testing, P < 0.05). Note that the classifications were conducted by considering a 5-s delay of the hemodynamic response function, and hence, the classification events displayed here are shifted by +5 s relative to trial time (see the section Materials and methods for further details).