Ht, SNP, ZnPPIX, and cPTIO raised or reduced endogenous NO content in rice aleurone layers under drought stress. Rice aleurone layers were treated with or without 20% PEG (P), 1 μM Ht (H), 200 μM SNP (S), 10 μM ZnPPIX (Zn), and 200 μM cPTIO (cP) individually or in combination for 24 h. A sample with distilled water was used as control (C). After various treatments, the aleurone layers were, respectively, stained with DAF-2DA, and then thoroughly washed to removal excess dye and immediately observed under a LSCM. Images of the distribution of NO in fluorescently labeled aleurone cells were captured (A–I). The relative DAF-2DA fluorescence intensity in the corresponding aleurone layers was also established (J). Scale bar, 100 μm. Mean values were calculated from at least three independent experiments, bars with different letters indicate statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level, according to Duncan’s multiple test.