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. 2016 Jan 19;9:714. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00714

Table 1.

Brain activation for the morphological conditions relative to the pure tone.

Brain area BA x y z T
L-Frontal-Inf-Tri 45 45 36 3 13.85
R-Insula 47 33 27 6 10.93
L-Supp-Motor-Area 32 −3 18 48 9.88
R-Cerebelum-Crus1 12 −75 −30 9.55
L-Frontal-Mid-Orb 45 −45 48 0 8.91
R-Temporal-Sup 48 60 −3 −3 8.22
L-Temporal-Sup 48 −60 −9 3 8.03
R-Calcarine 17 12 −66 9 7.68
L-Calcarine 17 −6 −63 9 7.18
L-Cerebelum-Crus2 −5 −81 −24 6.29
R-Occipital-Inf 18 30 −90 −3 6.22
L-Parietal-Inf 7 −30 −66 42 5.90
L-Fusiform 37 −36 −32 −19 5.72
Vermis-4-5 0 −51 −15 4.90
R-Frontal-Inf-Orb 47 33 39 −9 4.65
L-Temporal-Mid 21 −66 −30 3 4.44
L-Frontal-Sup-Medial 10 −6 66 27 4.27
L-Rectus 11 0 39 −15 4.26
L-Occipital-Inf 19 −33 −87 −9 4.15
R-Frontal-Inf 48 45 27 30 3.58
L-Frontal-Inf-Tri 45 45 36 3 9.95
L-Temporal-Sup 22 −60 −12 6 9.52
R-Temporal-Sup 48 60 −3 −3 9.31
L-Hippocampus 20 −27 −9 −18 7.34
L-Temporal-Inf 37 −45 −51 −12 7.20
R-Rolandic-Oper 48 60 0 12 6.54
L-Supp-Motor-Area 8 −6 21 48 6.02
R-Cerebelum-Crus1 9 −81 −24 5.68
R-Cerebelum-Crus2 12 −84 −36 5.57
R-Heschl 48 68 −15 9 4.86
Vermis-9 0 −48 −36 4.75
L-Temporal-Mid 21 −66 −30 3 4.49
R-Frontal-Inf-Orb 47 36 39 −6 4.49
R-Precentral 4 39 −27 69 4.22
L-Fusiform 37 −36 −32 −19 3.92
L-Temporal-Sup 22 −60 −9 6 8.88
L-Heschl 48 −39 −24 12 5.64
L-Temporal-Inf 20 −42 −15 −27 8.54
L-Fusiform 20 −36 −30 −18 5.06
R-Temporal-Sup 48 60 −3 −3 8.43
R-Heschl 48 48 −15 12 7.41
L-Frontal-Inf-Tri 48 −45 24 24 8.43
L-Frontal-Inf-Tri 45 51 36 9 6.99
L-Frontal-Mid-Orb 46 −48 48 0 6.55
R-Cerebelum-6 19 21 −60 −24 7.90
L-Temporal-Inf 37 −48 −54 −12 7.04
L-Temporal-Mid 21 −51 −45 −3 3.92
L-Supp-Motor-Area 6 −3 15 57 6.65
L-Putamen −21 −3 9 3.73
L-Thalamus −12 −18 9 5.43
Vermis-8 3 −60 −36 5.29
R-Frontal-Inf-Orb 47 39 42 −9 3.61
L-Cerebelum-6 37 −27 −51 −30 4.71
L-Cerebelum-4/5 37 −30 −39 −24 4.41
L-Cerebelum-8 30 −63 −48 4.39
L-Temporal-Sup 22 −60 −12 6 8.51
L-Fusiform 37 −37 −31 −18 4.51
L-Temporal-Mid 22 −63 −9 0 11.33
R-Temporal-Sup 48 60 0 0 9.68
L-Temporal-Sup 48 −51 −15 3 8.97
R-Heschl 48 45 −18 6 5.58
R-Postcentral 4 18 −30 78 4.46
L-Frontal-Inf-Orb 47 −39 30 −12 4.43
L-Postcentral 43 −60 −5 21 4.37
R-Precentral 6 24 −24 75 4.35
R-Temporal-Mid 21 69 −27 0 3.94

L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere; BA, Brodmann area; x, y, z = MNI Coordinate; T, T-value; voxel level threshold is 0.005 and corrected to 0.05 at cluter level. Bold characters mean contrasts between experimental conditions. Italic characters mean the common and key brain area found in each contrast.