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. 2016 Jan 1;29(1):64–70. doi: 10.1089/vim.2015.0078

Table 1.

Monoclonal and Human Serum Antibody Binding to gp140 (A) and gp120 (B) Envelope Proteins

(A) gp140
Source antibody/envelope priming Antibody name/timea UG92005 1007 RW 1035
Panel 1: Mouse monoclonal antibody testing
 Mouse/UG92005 106-1B5 0.91 >5 >5 >5
 Mouse/UG92005 103-15C7 3.25 >5 >5 >5
 Mouse/UG92005 103-12A3 3.36 >5 >5 >5
 Mouse/UG92005 103-2G12 0.87 >5 >5 <0.05
 Mouse/UG92005 103-10C4 <0.05 0.06 <0.05 5
 Mouse/1007 104-9B5 >5 0.9 >5 >5
 Mouse/1007 104-6D11 >5 <0.05 >5 >5
 Mouse/1007 104-1B2 >5 <0.05 >5 >5
 Mouse/1007 104-12D10 >5 <0.05 >5 >5
 Mouse/1007 104-10G3 >5 <0.05 >5 >5
 Mouse/RW 2RW12B11 0.32 >5 <0.05 >5
Panel 2: Human serum antibody testinga
 Patient sera HB902/9 >100,000 >100,000 17,685 200
 Patient sera HB903/13 >100,000 >100,000 31,376 988
 Patient sera HB904/3 3,410 4,890 1,808 <100
 Patient sera HB905/8 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000 <100
 Patient sera HB906/15 >100,000 >100,000 16,697 <100
 Patient sera HB907/4 >100,000 >100,000 22,721 1,116
 Patient sera HB908/2 1,610 8,500 1,367 <100
(B) gp120
Source antibody/envelope priming Antibody name/timea CM MN BaL ZM53M
Panel 1: Mouse monoclonal antibody testing
 Mouse/CM 119-9E1 <0.05 >5 >5 >5
 Mouse/MN 120-16H6 0.8 0.5 0.3 >5
 Mouse/MN 120-15D2 >5 0.05 >5 >5
Panel 2: Human serum antibody testinga
 Patient sera HB902/9 2,531 9,614 >100,000 21,185
 Patient sera HB903/13 13,736 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000
 Patient sera HB904/3 <100 3,417 3,368 515
 Patient sera HB905/8 653 >100,000 >100,000 12,523
 Patient sera HB906/15 19,133 >100,000 33,602 8,945
 Patient sera HB907/4 6,297 >100,000 >100,000 >100,000
 Patient sera HB908/2 <100 1,619 1,091 <100

(A) ELISA titers are shown for mouse monoclonals (Panel 1) or human sera (Panel 2), tested against gp140 envelope proteins. Sequences were originally derived from viruses UG92005, 1007, 92RW020.5 [RW], and 1035. Sequences from UG92005, 1007, and 1035 were each shuttled through a common parent vector during cloning so that a short portion of the C-terminal region of each expressed molecule was shared.

In Panel 1, values defined the lowest antibody protein concentration (in μg) that scored positively (optical density reading 0.1 or greater) in the ELISA based on nonlinear regression analyses (GraphPad Prism). A value of “>5” indicated no detectable antibody reactivity in the ELISA with 5 μg protein. In Panel 2, values defined the highest serum dilutions that gave a positive score based on nonlinear regression analyses. A value of “ <100” indicated that there was no detectable antibody reactivity in the ELISA when sera were diluted a minimum of 1:100. Relative values were coded by different formats (bold and underline = highest reactivity; bold = high reactivity; bold italics = medium reactivity; regular = low reactivity; italics = no detectable reactivity).

(B) Method descriptions and data tabulation match those in Table 1A, but with envelope gp120 instead of gp140 proteins, used both as immunogens and antigens.


For human serum samples, the time in months between the day of serum collection and the patient's previous, self-reported negative HIV-1 test (based on a negative ELISA or Western Blot) is indicated.

ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.