A, Schematic, in exploded view, of a fiber array with fibers
pointing upwards, with inset zoomed in on LEDs and their
connections, adapted from refs. [8-10]. Vertical dashed lines denote points at
which components dock together when the device is assembled. Numbers refer to
key components: 1, optical fiber; 2, LED; 3, LED pedestal (carved out of LED
base plate, 11); 4, wire bond; 5, fiber alignment plate; 6, fiber fitting; 7,
reflector plate; 8, device assembly guidepost (to be removed after final
assembly, but before implantation); 9, reflector plate heat conduit; 10, circuit
board; 11, LED base plate; 12, circuit board connector. B, Key
structural components, numbered the same as in A. C,
Photograph of a relatively dense hippocampal CA1-targeted fiber array device
(schematized in A), appropriate for silencing the entire
hippocampus for example, with fibers pointing downwards, with a penny for scale.
D, An 8-fiber hippocampal array, appropriate for stimulating
multiple points in the hippocampus, shown with optional cooling module before
encapsulation with biocompatible epoxy.