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. 2016 Jan 7;7(1):66–75. doi: 10.3945/an.115.010207


Effects of obesity and MetS on the immune system1

Immune system parameter Model/condition Effect on immune system Reference
Bone marrow characteristics Obese men and women Bone marrow adiposity (39)
Wistar rats fed HFD ↑ Proinflammatory gene expression of bone marrow MSCs (40)
Thymus characteristics C56BL/6 mice fed HFD ↑ Thymic involution and adiposity (18)
Diabetic rats, streptozotocin-induced ↑ Thymic involution (41)
Diabetic mice, alloxan-induced ↑ Thymic involution (42)
Leptin deficiency (ob/ob mice) ↓ Thymus size and cellularity, ↑ thymocyte apoptosis (43)
Spleen characteristics C56BL/6 mice fed HFD ↑ Effector/memory T cell, ↓ TCR diversity (18)
Lymph node characteristics Diet-induced obese mice ↓ Inguinal lymph node size, ↓ T cell numbers (44)
Impaired lymphatic fluid transport, DC migration (44)
Leukocyte development Adipocyte-rich BM in C57BL/6J mice ↓ Hematopoeisis (45)
Leptin receptor deficiency (db/db mice) ↓ Hematopoeisis (46)
Low HDL, Abca1−/− Abcg1−/− BM mice ↓ BM HSC and myeloid progenitor proliferation (47)
C56BL/6 mice fed HFD ↑ Myeloid progenitor cells, ↓ lymphoid progenitors (18)
↓ Thymic output of naïve T cells (18)
Obese and insulin resistant patients ↓ Thymic output of naïve T cells (18)
Clinical leukocyte profiles MetS populations ↑ WBC counts (4850)
Healthy men, MELANY cohort ↑ 7.6% T2DM risk for every 1000 cells/mm3 increase in WBCs (51)
Weight loss, overweight, and obese subjects ↓ WBC counts (52)
Leukocyte inflammation Obese mouse models ↑ M1 macrophages, ↓ M2 macrophages in adipose (5355)
↑ T cell infiltration in adipose (13)
↑ TH1 cells, ↓ Treg cells in adipose (13, 20)
Obese human subjects ↑CD4+ T cells, ↓ CD8+ peripheral T cells (56)
↑ NF-κB activation in PBMCs (19)
↑ MIF, IL-6, TNF-α, MMP-9 mRNA expression in PBMCs (19)
Morbidly obese human subjects ↑ Peripheral TH2 and Treg cells (57)
↑ CD4+ and CD8+ T cell proliferation (57)
Weight loss, obese women ↓ PBMC proinflammatory gene expression (58)
Weight loss, obese women ↔ CD4+ and CD8+ ratios (59)
−/− mice ↑ T cell lipid rafts and proliferation (60)
Pathogen defense HDL infusion in C57BL6/CBA mice ↑ Survival from lethal dose of LPS (61)
Lipoprotein-bound LPS, septic patients ↓ LPS bioactivity (62)
HFD-fed and ob/ob mice ↑ Mortality from S. aureus-induced sepsis (63)
Diabetic tuberculosis patients ↑ CD4+ TH1 and TH17 cytokines in plasma (64)
Adiponectin-deficient mice ↑ Risk of sepsis-related mortality (65)
Immunity Leptin deficiency (ob/ob mice) ↓ Cell-mediated immunity (66)
Diet-induced obese mice ↓ DC antigen presentation (67)
Type 2 diabetic patients ↓ Phagocytic activity of PBMCs (68)
Obese and diabetic mice ↑ Lung cancer metastasis, ↓ NK cell function at early cancer stages (69)
Diet-induced obese mice ↓ Maintenance of influenza-specific CD8+ memory T cells (37)
Obese, glucose intolerant rats ↓ Immunological memory after hepatitis B vaccine (70)
Type 2 diabetic hemodialysis patients ↑ Risk of hepatitis B vaccine failure (71)
Overweight children ↑ Risk of tetanus vaccine failure (72)
Obese human subjects ↑ Risk of influenza vaccine failure (17)
Diabetic patients ↑ Risk of influenza-related complications and hospitalizations (73, 74)
Communities with high obesity prevalence ↑ Risk of influenza-related hospitalizations (74)
Child obesity, NHANES 2005–2006 ↑ Allergic disease (75)

Abca1−/− , ATP-binding cassette transporter A1; Abcg1−/− , ATP-binding cassette transporter G1; BM, bone marrow; DC, dendritic cell; HFD, high-fat diet; HSC, hematopoietic stem cell; MELANY, Metabolic, Life-Style and Nutrition Assessment in Young Adults; MetS, metabolic syndrome; MIF, migration inhibition factor; MMP-9, matrix metalloproteinase 9; MSC, mesenchymal stem cell; NK, natural killer; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; TCR, T cell receptor; TH1, TH2, and TH17, T helper cells 1, 2, and 17, respectively; Treg, regulatory T; WBC, white blood cell; ↑, increase; ↓ decrease; ↔, no change.