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. 2015 Jul 20;128(14):1922–1931. doi: 10.4103/0366-6999.160546

Table 4.

Neonatal outcomes after delivery

Parameter Control group (n = 26) GDFT group (n = 26) Statistics P
Apgar at 1 min 10 (10–10) 10 (10–10) 0.90
Apgar at 5 min 10 (10–10) 10 (10–10) 1.00
Character of 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0) 0.71
 amniotic fluid
Umbilical ABG
 pH 7.29 ± 0.07 7.32 ± 0.04 2.05 0.04
 PCO2 (mmHg) 53.07 ± 8.75 48.93 ± 7.81 1.80 0.08
 PO2 (mmHg) 19.89 ± 11.07 20.09 ± 7.60 0.07 0.94
 SO2 (%) 27.57 ± 18.44 33.79 ± 15.95 1.09 0.28
 Base deficit −1.6 (−2.4–−0.6) −0.7 (−2.4–1.0) 0.52
 Lactic acid 2.25 ± 2.11 1.82 ± 0.63 1.01 0.32
Umbilical VBG
 pH 7.33 ± 0.07 7.36 ± 0.02 2.08 0.04
 PCO2 (mmHg) 46.49 ± 7.59 43.84 ± 4.81 1.50 0.14
 PO2 (mmHg) 23.07 ± 6.41 26.93 ± 6.01 2.24 0.03
 SO2 (%) 46.53 ± 21.91 54.17 ± 20.07 1.31 0.20
 Base deficit −1.4 (−2.6–−0.5) −1.0 (−1.9–0) 0.15
 Lactic acid 2.04 ± 1.97 1.84 ± 0.50 0.50 0.62

Values are given as mean value ±SD or median (25–75% percentile). ABG: Arterial blood gas; VBG: Venous blood gas; PCO2: Partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PO2: Partial pressure of oxygen; SO2: Oxygen saturation; SD: Standard deviation; GDFT: Goal-directed fluid therapy.