Patient referral orientation |
Run an active DIS-based partner services program as a core function – HIV and syphilis:
○ Provide specialty assistance for important or hard to reach cases
○ Generate epidemiology for general STD prevention
○ Increase the value of HIV case-finding through linkage to care
○ STD clinics as models of excellence – provide wrap-around services for PN interventions primarily operated outside public clinics (e.g., PDPT)
Provide rules, technical assistance, coordination/collaboration or (as permitted) advice on policy-making for:
○ Follow-up with patients to assess PN
○ Interactive counseling for patient referral
○ Components of a sexual history or sexual health examination
Provide and assure use of good-quality information on:
Cost monitoring and resource allocation models
Research and Evaluation (e.g., Ql evaluations)
○ Focus on efficacious components of interventions for efficient intervention
○ Focus on combinations of PN interventions for effective intervention
○Focus on context of PN intervention for impact