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. 2016 Jan 19;3:160002. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.2

Table 7. Summary of each column included in the soil dataset, including column number, column name, data format, units, range of values, and a short description.

Col. Col. name Format Units Range Description
1 PROJECT categorical Project name
2 YEAR numerical year 2001–2007 Sampling year
3 MONTH numerical month 6–10 Sampling month
4 DAY numerical day 1–31 Sampling day
5 ECOREGION categorical EPA Level III Ecoregion
6 CLUSTER categorical General sampling area
7 PLOT_ID numerical 1–948 Plot identification number
8 PLOT_ID_ALT numerical Alternative PLOT_ID is previously sampled
9 PLOT_ID_AMERIFLUX categorical AmeriFlux identification
10 LATITUDE numerical decimal degree 37.784–45.948 Plot latitude (WGS84)
11 LONGITUDE numerical decimal degree −123.904–−117.1309 Plot longitude (WGS84)
12 ELEVATION numerical m 138–2758 Elevation above sea level
13 MAT numerical °C 2.43–13.53 Mean annual temperature (1984–2013)
14 MAP numerical mm yr−1 414–2,839 Mean annual precipitation (1984–2013)
15 SOIL_DEPTH numerical cm 21–100 Total soil depth
16 SOIL_LAYER categorical top/mid/bottom Soil layer sampled
17 UPPER_DEPTH_OF_SOIL_LAYER numerical cm 0–50 Upper depth of the soil layer
18 LOWER_DEPTH_OF_SOIL_LAYER numerical cm 3–103 Lower depth of the soil layer
19 BULK_DENSITY_OF_SOIL_LAYER numerical kg m−2 2–884 Bulk density of the soil layer
20 CARBON_CONTENT_OF_SOIL_LAYEL numerical g C m−2 10–24,480 Carbon content of the soil layer
21 NITROGEN_CONTENT_OF_SOIL_LAYER numerical g N m−2 0–1330 Nitrogen content of the soil layer
22 PH_OF_SOIL_LAYER numerical 3.87–7.45 pH of the soil layer
23 VOLUME_FRACTION_OF_SAND_IN_SOIL_LAYER numerical % 17–86 Volume fraction of sand in the soil layer
24 VOLUME_FRACTION_OF_SILT_IN_SOIL_LAYER numerical % 11–66 Volume fraction of silt in the soil layer
25 VOLUME_FRACTION_OF_CLAY_IN_SOIL_LAYER numerical % 1–50 Volume fraction of clay in the soil layer