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. 2016 Jan 19;11(1):e0147332. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147332

Table 1. Parkinson’s disease (PD) and non-PD “control” peers demographic, motor, general cognition, and mood characteristics.

Measure PD (n = 40) Non-PD (n = 40) t, u, x2 p-value
Age 67.80 ± 5.44, 60/79 68.18 ± 4.64, 62/79 -0.33 0.74
Education 16.28 ± 3.03, 10/20 16.75 ± 2.35, 12/20 -0.78 0.44
Sex (M:F) 32:8 33:7 0.08 0.78
Handedness 0.45 ± 3.66, 12/24 1.20 ± 3.07, 13/24 -0.99 0.32
Charlson Comorbidity 0.30 ±0.72, 0/4 0.28 ± .61, 0/2 0.12 0.91
UPDRS-III 17.58 ± 10.74, 3/46 2.75 ± 3.36*; 0/15 83.50 <0.001
H&Y 1.64±0.76, 1/3 -- -- --
Disease Duration (yrs) 7.50 ± 5.15, 0/26 -- -- --
< 10 years duration 33 of 40; 83% -- -- --
l-Dopa Equiv. Score 685.79 ± 371.49; 0/1450 1.00 ± 6.32*, 0/40 -- --
Side of Onset 25 R / 14 L / 1 axial -- -- --
General Cognition
WTAR Est. IQ 107.35 ± 7.68, 81/118 108.80 ± 8.76, 86/119 -0.79 0.43
DRS-2 Total 139.43 ± 3.13, 131/144 140.20± 2.49, 133/144 -1.23 0.22
BDI-II raw 2.33 ± 2.99, 0/28 9.03 ± 6.93, 0/16 -5.61 <0.001
Apathy Scale 19.18 ± 4.22, 2/20 11.90 ± 6.6, 2/26 -2.20 0.03
State Anxiety 34.80 ± 11.00, 20/74 28.20 ± 6.46, 20/47 -3.27 <0.01
Trait Anxiety 33.33 ± 9.98, 20/54 30.30 ±7.29, 20/53 -1.54 0.13

MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination; DRS-2 = Dementia Rating Scale– 2nd Version; WTAR = Wechsler Test of Adult Reading; UPDRS Total = United Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale Total score; l-Dopa Equiv. Score = Levodopa Equivalent Score = Total Daily levodopa dosage intake in milligrams.

*One control was on levodopa for restless leg syndrome; BDI-2 = Beck Depression Inventory-2.