Table 4. Raw and TICV corrected neuroanatomical regions of interest for PD and non-PD peers with mean± standard deviation, and minimum/maximum scores shown).
Significance noted by *.
PD (n = 40) | Non-PD (n = 40) | |
Cortical | ||
Prefrontal | 2.32±0.09, 2.11/2.56 | 2.31±0.08, 2.06/2.51 |
Thickness (mm) | ||
Temporal | 2.64±0.09, 2.39/2.82 | 2.67±0.07, 2.49/2.81* |
Parietal | 2.24±0.09, 2.09/2.41 | 2.23±0.09, 2.03/2.38 |
White Matter | ||
Prefrontal | 0.33±0.03, 0.25/0.38 | 0.33±0.02, 0.28/0.37 |
Mean FA | ||
Temporal | 0.30±0.02, 0.24/0.34 | 0.30±0.02, 0.21/0.34 |
Parietal | 0.34±0.02, 0.28/0.38 | 0.35±0.02, 0.30/0.38 |
Subcortical | ||
Caudate raw | 7367±1164, 4754/10082 | 7086±992, 5452/10455 |
Raw mm3 | ||
Putamen raw | 9875±1148, 7958/13563 | 10221±1057, 8359/12570 |
Thalamus raw | 13937±1313, 11294/18378 | 13120±1319, 10286/16222** |
Subcortical | ||
% Caudate | 0.43± 0.06, 0.30/0.55 | 0.44±0.05, 0.34/0.58 |
TICV correcteda | ||
% Putamen | 0.507± 0.07, 0.44/0.72 | 0.64±0.06, 0.53/0.82** |
% Thalamus | 0.81±0.07, 0.64/0.97 | 0.82±0.08, 0.64/0.99 |
TICV cm3 | 1727±1698, 1416/2082 | 1603±1377, 1371/1881** |
**p < .01;
*trend at p = .05;
aBilateral subcortical structures corrected for total intracranial volume x 100. TICV = Total intracranial Volume in cm3. Using the non-PD mean and standard deviation TICV values, standardized z-scores indicated that 11/40 (27.5%) of the PD participants had a TICV at least one standard deviation above the control mean TICV, three (7.50%) individuals at least two standard deviations, and three (7.50%) at least three standard deviations larger than the control mean. For these reasons, subcortical volume structures are corrected for TICV. FSL/FIRST [82] subcortical values were not statistically different from FreeSurfer [81] with intraclass correlation > 0.85.