Fig 4. Baseline Cfos and Arc Networks.
Nodes represent brain regions and are presented in pseudoanatomical space. Edges are lines connecting two nodes, and represent significant r values (p<0.05, n = 6–7), in which thicker lines correspond to more robust r values. Positive and negative r values are depicted with black and red lines, respectively. Colors outlining nodes denote modularity, in which nodes that share the same border color participate in the same sub-community. (A) Cfos networks in saline-injected adolescent controls exhibit local coordinated gene expression (CGE) in the cortex and striatum. (B) Adult baseline cfos networks are sparser than adolescent networks, and functional communities are comprised of more anatomically distributed nuclei. (C) Adolescent baseline arc networks are characterized by functional communities predominately comprised of nuclei that are anatomically proximal to each other, particularly in the cortex. (D) Adult baseline arc networks show a smaller number of functional interrelationships than adolescent networks, but demonstrate unique corticoaccumbens CGE.