Increased theta peak coherence during exploration of a novel context and recent memory retrieval. (A) All mice successfully retrieved the recently-acquired fear conditioning memory. (B) One-second sample epoch of raw LFPs simultaneously recorded from RSC, DH, ADT, and ACC from a mouse in its home cage, during novel context exploration, and during testing for memory retrieval. (C) Prior to fear conditioning, mice were allowed to explore the conditioning chamber. Peak coherence in the RSC-DH (top panel), RSC-ADT (middle panel), and RSC-ACC (bottom panel) site pairs increased during novel context exploration relative to recordings made in the home cage. This increase persisted during retrieval testing one day post-conditioning. (D) There were no differences in gamma peak coherence in any site-pair or across recording sessions. Grey symbols represent shuffled peak coherence values. Arrowheads indicate when fear conditioning occurred. *p < 0.05.