Table 1.
fMRI studies included in ALE (n = 6). Acute testosterone administration vs. placebo experiments in healthy participants using affective stimuli
Publication | Stimulus | N (mean age) | Foci (activation/deactivation) | roi/wb |
Bos et al. (2010) | Crying infant sound | 16 (20.8) | 4(4/0) | roi and wb |
Bos et al. (2012a) | Happy and fearful faces | 12 (20.4) | 1(1/0) | roi |
Hermans et al. 2008) | Angry and happy faces | 12 (22.6) | 5(5/0) | wb and roi |
Hermans et al. (2010) | Monetary incentive delay | 12 (20.4) | 3(2/1) | roi |
van Wingen et al. (2008) | Faces of men/women with neutral affect | 25 (42) | 5(5/0) | roi and wb |
van Wingen et al. (2009) | Angry and fearful faces | 25 (42 and 23; two groups) | 12(8/4) | wb and roi |