Comparison of αVβ6 integrin receptor binding sites of HPeV-1, FMDV, and CV-A9. Shown is a stereographic projection of HPeV-1 surface residues, with subunits VP0, VP1, and VP3 in green, blue, and red, respectively. The yellow line shows the border of a selected protomer. Features of FMDV and CV-A9 were plotted onto the HPeV-1 surface. The last structured C-terminal residue of HPeV-1 VP1 is highlighted in magenta, while that of CV-A9 is shown as an orange oval. The integrin-binding site in HPeV-1 as determined previously by cryo-electron microscopy is encircled by a solid line. The location of the footprint of the integrin receptor on CV-A9 (EMD-5512) is encircled by a dashed line. The conserved RGD motif in FMDV (PDB code 1FOD) is shown as a light-blue oval. The positions of the icosahedral-symmetry axes are indicated by a pentagon (5-fold), triangles (3-fold), and an oval (2-fold).