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. 2016 Jan 20;6:2062. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.02062



Investigating the effects of temporally structured and unstructured learning on recognition memory. (A) An example of a trial from the structured encoding task. A sequence of four images (each displayed for 700 ms) was shown twice in succession, separated by a sequence of intervals (500, 1000, 2000, 100 ms) that possessed an underlying temporal structure. (B) An example of a trial from the unstructured encoding task. A sequence of four images (each displayed for 700 ms) was shown twice in succession, with no regularity to the ordering of temporal intervals separating the image presentations. Following the study phase for both tasks, participants completed a self-paced recognition memory task for the studied images intermixed with a set of novel stimuli. (C) Mean reaction times during recognition test for temporally structured and unstructured tasks. (D) Subsequent recognition memory performance (measured using d′) for scenes presented in temporally structured and unstructured tasks. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. p < 0.05.