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. 2016 Jan 20;11(1):e0144215. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0144215

Fig 6. Immunoblot quantification of BBB proteins in CLP-operated ΔEndoMyD88 mice and WT mice.

Fig 6

Protein homogenates were prepared from hemibrains dissected from ΔEndoMyD88 mice and WT mice at 24 hours post CLP surgery. Homogenates were subjected to Western blotting with simultaneous detection of actin and occludin (A) or claudin-5 (B) using differentially labelled secondary antibodies. Sample conditions and sizes were as indicated in the blot image annotation (A, B). Band identity was confirmed using lysates from transfected recombinant cells. Band intensity was quantified using densitometry for occludin (C) and claudin-5 (D). n.s., p>0.1, no significant effect of genotype (t-test).