Table 3.
KEGG / GO ID | KEGG / GO Term | Number of Genes observed | Levene’s test for variance (Difference in transcriptional drift- variance) Water D1 vs. water Dx |
Levene’s test for variance (Difference in transcriptional drift- variance) water Dy vs. mianserin Dy |
Transcriptome | 19,196 | D3 : P < 1.0E-100 D5 : P < 1.0E-100 D10: P < 1.0E-100 |
D3 : P < 1.0E-100 D5 : P < 1.0E-100 D10: P < 1.0E-100 | |
KEGG:Cel00030 | Pentose phosphate pathway | 17 | D3 : P = 0.0096 D10: P <1.0E-5 |
D3 : P <1.0E-4 D10: P = 0.01 |
GO: 0006979 | Response to oxidative stress | 67 | D3 : P <1.0E-10 D10: P <1.0E-16 |
D3 : P <1.0E-4 D10: P = 0.001 |
GO: 0045454 | Cell redox homeostasis | 52 | D3 : P <1.0E-6 D10: P <1.0E-10 |
D3 : P <1.0E-4 D10: P = 0.029 |
GO: 006749 | Glutathione metabolism | 13 | D3 : P <1.0E-4 D10: P <1.0E-7 |
D3 : P =0.041 D10: P <1.0E-4 |
GO: 0007186 | G-protein coupled receptor signaling | 335 | D3 : P <1.0E-24 D10: P < 1.0E-100 |
D3 : P <1.0E-4 D10: P <1.0E-4 |
GO: 0016209 | Antioxidant activity | 34 | D3 : P <1.0E-8 D10: P <1.0E-10 |
D3 : P = 0.002 D10: P = 0.06 |
Summary of gene changes with RNA-seq transcriptome analysis in Figure 3b.
GO ID is the Gene Ontology identification number.
GO Term is the Gene Ontology term for the biological process.
Dx = age in days for the animals indicated, compared with D1 water-treated animals.
Dy = age in days for water- and mianserin-treated animals, compared on the same day of age indicated.