Ca2+ oscillations occur widely within the DA before ISV sprouting. Dll4/Notch signaling attenuates Ca2+ responses in the entire DA at this stage. Ca2+ oscillations are restricted to single or two neighboring ECs just after vessel sprouting and then further restricted to single ECs that eventually become tip cells. Dll4/Notch signaling is required for the selection of single tip cells. During stalk cell budding, tip cells and stalk cells exhibit Ca2+ oscillations, although the Ca2+-oscillatory activity in stalk cells is weaker than that in tip cells. Dll4/Notch signaling regulates the selection of single stalk cells. After stalk cells completely come out from the DA, strong Ca2+ oscillations occur both in tip cells and stalk cells. Intensity of green reflects the frequency of Ca2+ oscillations. DA, dorsal aorta.