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. 2015 Nov 20;4:e08817. doi: 10.7554/eLife.08817

Figure 4. Iinitial tip cell selection in the DA.

(A) The number of Ca2+-oscillating ECs within the DA at each somite boundary of Tg(fli1:Gal4FF);(UAS:GCaMP7a);(fli1:H2B-mC) embryos at 19–22 and 24–27 ss. Graph shows percentage of the number of a Ca2+-oscillating cell (1), two cells (2), and three cells (3) at a somite boundary among the total number of somite boundaries (indicated at the top) observed. Two each representative 3D-rendered images of Tg(fli1:Gal4FF);(UAS:GCaMP7a);(fli1:H2B-mC) at 19–22 and 24–27 ss are shown in the left. Arrowheads indicate Ca2+-oscillating cells. (B) 3D-rendered time-sequential images of Tg(fli1:Gal4FF);(UAS:GCaMP7a);(fli1:H2B-mC) embryos from 22 ss. Green arrowheads indicate an EC which maintained Ca2+ oscillations, whereas red arrowheads indicate an EC which lost Ca2+ oscillations. Similar results were obtained in five independent experiments. (C) The fluorescence changes in GCaMP7a (ΔF/F0) of the ECs indicated by arrowheads in B and indicated at the left panel are shown as a graph. (D) Schematic illustration of Ca2+ dynamics during tip cell budding. Ca2+ oscillations are detected mostly in a single or two-neighboring EC(s) at the onset of vessel sprouting. Finally, only single budding tip cell exhibits Ca2+-oscillation at later stages. Scale bars, 10 μm in A and B. SB, somite boundary; DA, dorsal aorta.


Figure 4.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1. ECs close to somite boundaries have potential to sprout.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1.

Light-sheet z-stack fluorescence images of Tg(fli1:Gal4FF);(UAS:GCaMP7a) (lower) and corresponding 2D-slice bright-field (BF) images at the level of somite boundary (upper) just after vessel sprouting (22 ss). Yellow arrowheads indicate somite boundaries. Yellow dashed lines indicate positions of somite boundaries. White arrowheads indicate Ca2+-oscillating cells, either of which extends protrusions dorsally. Note that double (left) or single (right) Ca2+-oscillating cells are located at somite boundary. Scale bar, 10 μm.
Figure 4—figure supplement 2. Tip cell selection between two neighboring ECs exhibiting Ca2+ oscillations.

Figure 4—figure supplement 2.

3D-rendered time-sequential images of Tg(fli1:Gal4FF);(UAS:GCaMP7a);(fli1:H2B-mC) embryos during tip selection between two neighboring cells exhibiting Ca2+ oscillations. An EC maintaining Ca2+ oscillations became tip cell (green arrowheads), whereas an EC losing Ca2+ oscillations stayed in the DA (magenta arrowheads). A representative case among those we observed are shown (n = 18). Scale bar, 10 μm.
Figure 4—figure supplement 3. PlexinD1 is necessary to confine Ca2+-oscillating sprouts in the vicinity of somite boundaries.

Figure 4—figure supplement 3.

(A) 3D-rendered time-sequential images of Tg(fli1:Gal4FF);(UAS:GCaMP7a);(fli1:H2B-mC) embryos during tip cell budding injected with plxnD1 MO (18 ss). Arrowheads indicate Ca2+-oscillating ECs budding from the DA. Yellow dashed lines indicate positions of somite boundaries. Note that plxnD1 morphants display ectopic EC sprouts that exhibit Ca2+ oscillations. (B) Fluorescence changes in GCaMP7a (ΔF/F0) of individual ECs indicated by arrowheads in A are shown as a graph. Scale bar, 10 mm in A.