Table I.
Subject Number | Age (years) | Sex | Dom side | Etiology | BFM score Dom/Non-Dom | MACS level | Can lift with Non-Dom hand? |
DYS 1 | 8.1 | Male | Left | Left MCA stroke | 2/9 | II | Yes |
DYS 2 a | 11.2 | Female | Left | Left MCA stroke | 1/12 | I | No |
DYS 3 a | 13.6 | Male | Left | Left MCA stroke | 2/16 | II | No |
DYS 4 | 16.8 | Female | Left | Left MCA/ACA stroke | 1/6 | I | Yes |
DYS 5 a | 17.1 | Male | Left | Left MCA stroke | 1/16 | III | Yes |
DYS 6 | 18.8 | Female | Left | Internal carotid artery stroke | 0/16 | II | Yes |
DYS 7 a | 19.1 | Male | Left | Left MCA stroke | 2/12 | II | Yes |
DYS 8 a | 19.3 | Male | Left | Left MCA stroke | 1/16 | II | No |
DYS 9 a | 20.2 | Male | Right | Right MCA stroke | 1/16 | II | No |
DYS 10 a | 23.5 | Male | Left | Traumatic brain injury | 1/16 | II | No |
DYS 11a | 24.9 | Male | Right | Basilar artery stroke | 1/9 | I | Yes |
TD (n=9) | 16.6±4.9 | 8F, 1M | 8 R, 1L | - | 1±1/1±1 | - | Yes |
Participants with concurrent spasticity in the non-dominant arm (shoulder, elbow, wrist, or fingers)
DYS = Dystonia; TD = typically developing; Dom = Dominant; Non-Dom = Non-Dominant; BFM = Burke-Fahn-Marsden arm score; MACS = manual ability classification system; MCA = Middle cerebral artery, ACA = Anterior cerebral artery