Figure 6.
Effect of calpain inhibition on BIRD-2-induced cell death. (a) Bar graphs represent the percentage of viable H2171 cells, measured by CTG assay, at 24 and 48 h after various treatments as designated. Concentrations of BIRD-2 and the calpain inhibitor PD150606 were each 20 μM. Results represent the mean of triplicate determinations in a single experiment and suggest that PDI150606 inhibits BIRD-2-induced cell death. (b) Bar graph represents the percentage of apoptotic cells, based on fluorescence microscopic detection of apoptotic nuclear morphology in H2171 cells stained with Hoechst 33342. Bars represent mean±S.D. of six images; in each image, an average of 46 cells were analyzed. This experiment was repeated twice with the same result