Table 3.
Neighbourhood safety (March–April, 2013, Coventry).
Crime in local neighbourhood | Social fears/perception towards neighbourhood |
Prostitutes ‘Because where I am, there are prostitutes as well in the morning… They're there from morning till evening… It's not as if they make it discrete either is it? they're so obvious, They're so blatant’ (PG3) Trouble/fights ‘Because unfortunately you do get trouble… In my area they don't wait for the dark. They are kicking off all the time, over drugs and stupid things’ (PG1) Attacks ‘And for people getting attacked because an incidence happened at the back of my house err a few weeks ago which was pretty bad’ (PG3) Theft ‘I put that bag out then I was finishing tidying up my rubbish to put in because Friday they supposed to pick., by the time I come back to the bag it wasn't there They took the bag with the clothes in it. Obviously somebody's lifted it. Mugging ‘They become very loud and they pick on kids that are on their own and they mug them and take away whatever they've got off them. …That's happened quite a few times ’ (PG1) Attempted abduction ‘There were warning them… Yeah up by [local school name] up by winginton road, up sandy lane. They were approaching young girls and showing them things on his phone. They had to walk into a shop’ (PG2) |
FEARS Fear for safety ‘I just felt like somebody was watching me. Very scary, very scary. It reminded me to lock the door. In a small time yeah something huge can happen. It just frightened me’ (PG3) Fear that the streets have been taken over ‘they [Teenage youth, gangs, crime] have taken over ’ (PG1) Child abduction fears ‘I am just scared of letting my daughter out to play. You do not know who is about. They could put them in a car; take them off or anything…. So many incidents have happened ….. It is so easy just to pick them up and take them’ (PG2) NEGATIVE PERCEPTION Unsafe streets ‘my streets aren't safe’ (PG1) …‘I won't let my daughter walk to school. We live literally around the corner but I won't let her walk’ (PG2) Rough ‘Very rough [The people], It is very rough. It is not your kid it's the people around. A lot of crime’ (PG1) Not as safe as it used to be when parents were young ‘When we were younger my dad use to go and collect us from the park at 8 saying come home you need to have your dinner. I use to go by myself, my brothers would go by themselves but now you would trust your own child to go alone to the park. It is not safe. What it is with our time when we were 10–20 or 30 odds years we could go by ourselves to the shops to the parks and we could stay out late at night but now I wouldn't let my daughter out of the house, even my 15 year old son’ (PG1) MEDIA CIRCULATION OF INCIDENTS HEIGHTENING FEARS Drug incidents ‘There was one on Facebook the other day he was in bore hill getting the dirty water out of the puddle (all repeat) and injecting himself on the street. So what is that saying? You are not going to let your children anywhere with people like that’ (PG2) Dog incidents ‘Yeah and you've heard a lot of stories about pit bulls and how they have attacked’ (PG1) Child abduction ‘You hear about kids being snatched on the street it is when they are playing so you know it makes you worry’ (PG1) |
Anti-social behaviour on streets | Anti-social behaviour in parks |
Uncontrolled dogs ‘ there is dogs, pit bulls that are just running up and down the streets’ (PG1) Hangout place for gangs ‘And gangs’ (PG1) Gangs and season ‘The gangs they come out earlier on dark nights….. They think it is dark and that they can get up to all sorts because it is darker quickly’ (PG1) Drinking alcohol on streets in groups ‘The cans, they drink in groups, they are just very scary. So you can't take your child there when they are like standing there’ (PG3) Drinking outside local hostel ‘There is a hostel around the corner from my house. There are people; they sit on my wall drinking at night time. I hate it; it really winds me up to be honest. There is not much I can do about it. The police say to give them a ring when it happens and not to approach them but by the time you have done that they have gone’ (PG2) Drug dealing ‘You have drug dealers’ (PG1) Vandalism ‘Vandalism’ (PG1) Racism ‘Your misses got abuse didn’t she’ (PG2) ‘Yeah even she did because they are together. You know what I mean. The abuse she got up by Livingstone road was unreal. All she had done was go to the shop. And its kids that probably weren't at school. Yeah it was school time’ (PG2) Intimidating ‘It can be intimidating. I mean it use to do doors and I will quite openly admit that it can be intimidating these days out and about. It's just one of those things……. It can be intimidating like [person's name] said; the other day I left my house. I was then going around the corner to go to the shop and they were daring each other to give me a dig and give me a quick smack’ (PG2) Throwing things at house ‘you don't know If they are going to throw anything you know we have had things thrown at the window before, or shouting. You have to tell her to stay away from the window’ (PG1) Unsafe garden's You can't leave them. You can't leave your children to play on their own its dangerous. I never leave my children in back garden. …the area is difficult ’ (PG3) ‘they throw it into your garden and they can just knock on our door and check all of back garden because they chuck something….they are hanging around there with drug. You can't leave your children outside’ (PG3) Rough pubs local ‘a pub across the road, they are very rough’ (PG1) |
Uncontrolled dogs ‘There is also something else wrong there. You know dogs, they are so so dangerous. Sometime you don't know… Most of the time, the young lads with their hoods up, with their pit-bulls be walking beside them or whatever not on a lead’ (PG3) Hangout place for teenagers ‘And people just go to sit there at the weekends and as it gets later they collate there. They are not going there to play they are going there to sit but it's like gangs of children. My daughter will say can we go there and it's not even safe to go because I don't feel safe to go. …. Its teenagers….. Yeah teenagers that are mostly bored…… Yeah that has nothing to do …..Yeah they bang on the shops’ (PG1) Drinking alcohol in local parks ‘Especially the Swanswell park because there are groups of people who sit down there in the summer and they drink. Big groups’ (PG3) Drugs taking ‘19/20 year olds smoking whacky backy (weed)’ (PG3) ‘is a park just one park and you can't let your children, there is a drugs’ (PG3) Sexual behaviour ‘They are trying to have rumpy pumpy in the bushes’ (PG2 & PG3) |
Facilitators of safety | Barriers to safety |
SURVEILLANCE Policing ‘Higher police presence’ (PG2) Cameras ‘There should be more cameras’ (PG2), ‘You know they have these alleyways that are supposed to be cut through maybe has some cameras in there and lights’ (PG1) Wardens ‘We need wardens to watch the streets’ (PG1), ‘Put the wardens on the parks and surveillance and things like that’ (PG2) Increased lighting ‘There are some areas where there isn't much lighting as well. There is a road station street west, where the kids go to mosque, there is no light there.... more lightening’ (PG1) ‘There would be less crime with lighting so I would feel safer with lighting’ (PG1) Role modelling from local public services ‘Yeah if police were there then they could teach them while they were there, you know get them into being a firewoman or whatever. Interests The army could come in. You know the TA to help them and keep them off the streets. To make ‘me do something. If they are off the streets then they are not going to be doing drugs or drinking or hanging around with everyone. There isn't going to be pregnancies. If they are shown a bit of respect and authority’ (PG2) Children to learn self-defence (street wise) ‘It is one of those areas where if you are not street wise enough then you could find yourself in positions that you can't handle. Yes like [persons' name] has done boxing, karate etc., he can show the other children the right way to do it. Not the ‘I'm going to punch your head in la de dah’. If it is shown the right way then kids will listen.’ (PG2) |
LACK OF LIGHTING Lack of daylight ‘towards the night… towards 5 or 6 it starts getting darker’ Lack of street lighting at night ‘When you go out at night the streets are too dark. The lights, the street lights are too high up and it's not lighting the pavements up for you to see … It's far too dark…You can't see that far and you don't know what is lurking’ (PG3) LACK OF SURVEILLANCE Lack of warden presence ‘we're supposed to have wardens around here but you don't see them very often’ (PG3) Being alone ‘by myself at night…’ (PG1) |
Traffic | |
RULE BREAKING Speeding ‘Erm traffic, I live on the Foleshill road and the traffic down there I could not let my daughter out , She has road sense, you've got Kashers Lane and Foleshill road and they come up and down there like idiots, so there is no barriers so if they are going to have a car crash then it is coming in your house whether you like it or not (All agree)’ (PG2) ‘Young lads driving their cars thinking they, what makes me laugh is at the top of my road they drive so fast they have to stop when they get to the bottom. We have the speed humps in our road and they're still doing it’ (PG3) Don't stop at crossing ‘Yeah, I say to my daughter don't cross just because there is zebra cross. If you see a car, wait for it to stop before you crossing because some of them yeah they can pass you whilst you are looking…you know they never intended to stop’ (PG3) Driving in wrong lanes ‘it doesn't matter if there's a cycling lane or a bus lane people still drive in them’ Car accidents ‘We've had a few accidents down my road’ (PG3) | |