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. 2015 Jun 3;386(9997):995–1007. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)60454-8


Comparison of clinical and laboratory features of MERS and SARS

MERS7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 33, 84, 85 SARS86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91
First cases reported April, 2012 (Zarqa, Jordan), June, 2012 (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) November, 2002 (Guangdong, China)
Incubation period
Mean (95% CI; days) 5·2 (1·9–14·7) 4·6 (3·8–5·8)
Range (days) 2–13 2–14
Serial interval 7·6 days 8·4 days
Basic reproduction number <1 2–3
Patient characteristics
Adults 98% 93%
Children 2% 5–7%
Age range (years) 1–94 1–91
Average age (years) Median 50 Mean 39·9
Sex ratio (male:female) 64·5%:35·5% 43%:57%
Overall CFR 40% 9·6%
CFR in patients with comorbidities 60% 46%
Disease progression
Time from onset to ventilatory support Median 7 days Mean 11 days
Time from onset to death Median 11·5 days Mean 23·7 days
Presenting symptoms
Fever (>38°C) 98% 99–100%
Chills or rigors 87% 15–73%
Cough 83% 62–100%
Dry 56% 29–75%
Productive 44% 4–29%
Haemoptysis 17% 0–1%
Headache 11% 20–56%
Myalgia 32% 45–61%
Malaise 38% 31–45%
Shortness of breath 72% 40–42%
Nausea 21% 20–35%
Vomiting 21% 20–35%
Diarrhoea 26% 20–25%
Sore throat 14% 13–25%
Rhinorrhoea 6% 2–24%
Comorbidities 76% 10–30%
Laboratory results
Chest radiography abnormalities 90–100% 94–100%
Leucopenia (<4·0 × 109 cells per L) 14% 25–35%
Lymphopenia (<1·5 × 109 cells per L) 32% 68–85%
Thrombocytopenia (<140 × 109 platelets per L) 36% 40–45%
High lactate dehydrogenase 48% 50–71%
High alanine aminotransferase 11% 20–30%
High aspartate aminotransferase 14% 20–30%
Factors associated with severe disease or death Being immunocompromised, comorbidity (eg, obesity, diabetes, cardiac disease, lung disease), concomitant infection, low albumin, age ≥65 years Old age, being male, high initial or peak lactate dehydrogenase, high neutrophil count on presentation, comorbidity, low CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte counts at presentation

CFR=case-fatality rate. MERS=Middle East respiratory syndrome. SARS=severe acute respiratory syndrome.