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. 2015 Aug 6;25:283–292. doi: 10.1007/s11136-015-1095-3

Table 7.

MCID values of ODI after SI joint fusion as calculated by four methods

SF-36 health transition Satisfaction
MDC (95 % CI) 15.5 13.5
Average change 19.5 12.2
Change difference 6.3 3.5
ROC curve (AUC) 15.0 (.629) 13.0 (.530)

MDC (95 % CI): minimum detectable change with 95 % confidence interval. Average change: average change among “somewhat better” for the health transition or “somewhat satisfied” for the satisfaction scale. Change difference: difference in the change of the “somewhat better” versus “about the same” for the SF-36 health transition and the “somewhat satisfied” and “somewhat dissatisfied” for the satisfaction scale

ROC Curve receiver operating characteristics curve. AUC area under the curve