P2Y2R signaling mechanism in control of AP-1 subunits and TF gene transcription in HCAEC. Phosphorylation levels of AP-1 subunits in response to P2Y2R activation were determined with Western blotting after HCAEC were pretreated for 1 h with the individual inhibitor for JNK (A), ERK1/2 (B), Rho kinase (C), and Src (D). TF pre-mRNA levels in response to UTP stimulation (100 μm for 30 min) were analyzed with real time PCR after HCAEC were pretreated for 1 h with the individual inhibitor for JNK, ERK1/2, Rho kinase, and Src. *, p < 0.05 versus UTP-stimulated cells; **, p < 0.01 versus UTP-stimulated cells (E). n = 5. A systematic diagram shows a new two-way fine-tuning mechanism underlying P2Y2R-controlled cell signaling, AP-1 activation, and TF gene transcription in HCAEC (F).