The unitary current trace of TPRM8 in transfected CHO cells at different holding potentials. (A) Representative single-channel trace of CHO cells stably expressing TRPM8 without Pirt at voltages ranging from +60 mV to −60 mV (n=5). Red and blue dashed lines represent the open and closed conditions of TRPM8, respectively. (B) Representative unitary trace of TRPM8 with Pirt (n=5). (C) At negative holding potential ranges from −80 mV to −20 mV, single channel current-voltage plots of TRPM8 without Pirt (blue line) and TRPM8 with Pirt (red line). The data are fitted to a linear function with a slope of 37.31±1.2 ps (TRPM8 without Pirt, n=5) and 50.36±1.95 ps (TRPM8 with Pirt, n=5). (D) At positive holding potential ranges from +20 mV to +80 mV, single channel current-voltage plots of TRPM8 without Pirt (blue line, n=5) and TRPM8 with Pirt (red line, n=5). (E) The open probability of the TRPM8 channel co-transfected with Pirt (red line, n=5) or not (blue line, n=5) at different holding potentials. (F) All-point histogram of the TRPM8 channel co-transfected with Pirt (right, n=5) or without (left, n=5). The mean current amplitude at each point is obtained through the all-point histogram and fit with a Gaussian distribution. Each value is presented as the mean±SEM. bP<0.01, cP<0.01, unpaired t-test.