Figure 2.
Comparison of prevalence of osteoporosis among groups according to education level in Chinese postmenopausal women. A: The results of comparison of prevalence of osteoporosis among groups according to Model 1 (Model 1: education level were categorized by group 1: illiteracy, group 2: primary school, group 3: junior high school, group 4: senior high school and group 5: college). The prevalence of osteoporosis was 45.09%, 36.74%, 23.46%, 23.27% and 27.17% in the five groups, respectively. There were significantly differences among the five groups (P value < 0.001). B: The results of comparison of prevalence of osteoporosis between groups according to Model 2 (Model 2: education level was categorized by illiteracy & primary school group and high school & college group). The prevalence of osteoporosis was 40.57% and 24.06% between the two groups, respectively. There were significantly differences between the two groups (P value < 0.001).