Voxel-based statistical analysis of lesion impact on somatosensory deficit of light touch, pressure, pinprick, and proprioception.
Fig. 2 shows results from voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping displaying voxels with significant association in lesion-symptom mapping to four somatosensory tests: 2A) light touch, 2B) pressure, 2C) pinprick, and 2D) proprioception. Color scale indicates Brunner–Munzel rank order z-statistics. All tests are corrected for multiple comparisons at a level of 1% FDR. Statistical maps are overlaid on a T1-template in MNI space 1 × 1 × 1 mm3. MNI coordinates of each transverse section (z-axis) and a sagittal slice for visualization are given. Distribution of significant voxels slightly differs between the four tests. However, in all tests there is a significant contribution of voxels in the secondary somatosensory cortex, the insular cortex, the dorsal internal capsule, and the thalamocortical pathway to tested somatosensory deficits. 2E shows an overlay of all four tests. Color scale indicates for each voxel the number of somatosensory tests for which a significant association was seen in case of a lesion in this voxel. Two core regions can be identified showing a relation to all four somatosensory modalities (red voxels): the white matter in parietal lobe near the central region and the parietal operculum close to the insular cortex. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)