Table 1.
Exclusion criteria of the study
1. Non-healthy individuals |
• Previous medical history for any chronic condition in the last three months, active disease, or abnormal physical examination as verified by a qualified physician. |
2. Casual smoking |
• >6 cigarettes per day. |
3. Frequent, heavy alcohol consumption |
• >21 units/week. |
4. Frequent, heavy caffeine consumption |
• >4 caffeinated drinks/day. |
5. Gender: female |
6. Age: < 18 and > 60 years old |
7. Shift workers |
8. Participation in an investigational drug trial within the past two months |
9. Intake of any medication (prescribed, over the counter or recreational) including topical steroids and inhalers, within 48 hours of the study initiation |
• Urine sampling for testing for drugs of abusea |
Stage 1 (pharmacological validation) only |
10. Needle phobia |
Stage 2 (neurobehavioural investigation) only |
11. Left-handed or ambidextrous |
• Tested with the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory [13] |
12. Dyslexia |
13. Claustrophobia |
14. Contraindication to MRI scan |
15. Non English-language users |
aUrine sampling for testing for drugs of abuse takes place during the recruitment process. In addition, during study stage 2 (neurobehavioural investigation), urine sampling is repeated prior to starting the trial on day 1 of each of the three study arms, as well as prior to the scanning session on day 5 on each of the three study arms. A seven-drug (multi-panel) dip and read immunoassay is being used, offering high accuracy in detecting cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, tetrahydrocannabinol (cannabis), opiates, barbiturates and benzodiazepines (SureScreen Diagnostics®)