Figure 3.
Changes in the percentage populations of secondary structure conformations related to denaturing environment. (a) Four quadrants of the Ramachandran plot showing the broadly defined β-region. (b) Regions within the quadrants pertaining to specific conformations: right-handed α-helix (αR), left-handed α-helix (αL), polyproline type II left-handed helix (PIIL), polyproline type I right-handed helix (PIR), and the remaining nonpolyproline β-region (nPβ). Please note that both β and nPβ regions include a small area where the β-basin is shown to protrude into the bottom of the QαR quadrant. (c) Percentage populations of conformational regions for guest (X) residues in pure water at 298 K, 8 M urea at 298 K, and pure water at 498 K. (d) Ensembles of 20 structures randomly selected from each of the conformation regions for Thr from all three conditions. UCSF Chimera from the University of California, San Francisco (supported by NIH grant P41 RR-01081) was used to produce structural images (62).To see this figure in color, go online.