Rise in ARF rate in response to the application of trypsin-EDTA. (A and B) Fluorescence speckle observation of ARF in keratocyte loaded with Alexa Fluor 546 phalloidin. (A) and (B) are typical of seven cells. A differential interference contrast image (A) and a fluorescence image (B) at the start of the application of trypsin-EDTA. (C) Definitions of detached side and attached side. See text for details. (D and E) Kymographs constructed from image strips, with width 7 pixels (= 0.9 μm) (white rectangles labeled as ds and as in B) from consecutive images taken at 2-s intervals. The ds and as are in the direction of detached and attached sides, respectively. Movements of the cell edge and ARF are indicated with white and yellow arrows, respectively. (F) ARF rates at the detached and attached sides from seven cells. It should be noted that the rate is faster in the lower part of the graph. (G) Radii of curvature of the leading edges in dh and ah, measured 70% into the spray period. Same symbols in (F) and (G) indicate same cells. Definition of dh and ah are the same as Fig. 5J. To see this figure in color, go online.