Figure 4. Comparison of cell behaviour on Top and Bottom 100 topographies.
(a–e) Two hit categories were established by ranking topographies, as shown in Fig. 3a: the 100 topographies (TopoUnits) with the highest (Top 100) and lowest (Bottom 100) number of Oct4+ cells at 24 h. For each category the total number of attached cells at 4 h (a) and the number of Oct4+ and EdU+ cells per topography at 24 h (b) were quantified and compared with a flat topography (polystyrene). % Oct4+ (c) and % EdU+ (d) cells were also plotted against total number of adherent cells. (e) The number of clusters and cells per cluster are shown for each category. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; ns: not significant. 25% confidence intervals are shown. (f–h) Individual TopoUnits representing one of the bottom (f) or top (h) 100 topographies are shown, with flat polystyrene (g) for comparison. (i–k) Colony formation at 4 days on topographies that supported EdU+ and Oct4+ cells at 24 h. Scale bars: 55 μm.