Effect of protein/AA supplementation on postexercise MPS in young adults. Percentage changes from fasted to protein/AA supplemented states on MPS via the direct precursor product method (either the myofibrillar or mixed-muscle protein fractions) and arterial and venous balance methods (2- and 3-pool models) plotted from individual studies according to the time period (h) of assessment post-RE. Studies with an ∼900% response during exercise (115) and ∼600% responses at 1–2 and 3–4 h (53) were removed from panel D to shorten the y axis. Each data point represents a mean response value from a treatment arm in a clinical trial: n = 30 for myofibrillar (A), n = 16 for mixed muscle (C), and n = 21 for 2- and 3-pool models (D) treatment arms. The horizontal (dashed or dotted) line in each column represents the mean response for all treatments in that time period. Panel B shows the mean (95% CI) pooled treatment responses over all time periods. AA, amino acid; EX, exercise; MPS, muscle protein synthesis; PLA, placebo; RE, resistance exercise.