Fig. 3.
NCoR inhibits invasion, extravasation, and metastatic growth. (A) Invasion assays in Matrigel of SK and SK-TRβ cells that had been transfected with siControl or siNCoR 72 h previously. Invasion lasted for the last 16 h in the presence and absence of T3. The number of cells per field passing the filter (mean ± SD) was scored under the microscope and is shown on the y axis. (B) Similar assays in cells transfected as indicated with siNCoR, CMV-NCoR, or the corresponding controls. (C) Extravasation assays in nude mice of cells transfected with siControl or siNCoR. Data (mean ± SE) are expressed as the percentage of the inoculated cells found in the lung. (D) Extravasation of SK-TRβ cells transfected with siNCoR or CMV-NCoR or with the corresponding controls alone and in combination was analyzed by determination of human Alu sequences in the lungs. (E, Left) Metastatic lesions (surrounded by circles) in lungs from nude mice that had been inoculated 30 d previously via the tail vein with cells transfected with siControl or siNCoR. (Right) The percent of animals with metastases and number of lesions per lung (mean ± SE). (F) Relative transcript levels of NCoR and the indicated prometastatic genes (mean ± SD) in metastases excised from the lungs by laser-capture microdissection.