(A–D) Average school-level climate differences between treatment and control schools caused by anticonflict groups; differences shown to vary with the proportion of social referent seeds in the group. Lines represent estimates of the conditional average potential outcome with respect to the proportion of social referent seeds, and are surrounded by 95% confidence intervals estimated using heteroskedasticity-robust SEs for the regression fit. In examples (A) talking about conflict with friends, (C) wearing anticonflict wristbands, and (D) disciplinary reports of peer conflict, we find evidence that the intervention caused average overall school differences in talking about conflict, wearing anticonflict wristbands, and in actual peer conflict as reported by the school. We find that a higher proportion of social referent seeds assigned to the anticonflict group increases the size of the overall school effect on disciplinary reports of peer conflict (P = 0.07, heteroskedasticity-robust Wald test). See SI Appendix, Table S7 for regression tables.